Thursday, January 30, 2014

For Tuesday, Feb. 4

"Journalism can never be silent: That is its greatest virtue and its greatest fault. It must speak and speak immediately, while the echoes of wonder, the claims of triumph and the signs of horror are still in the air." Henry Anatole Grunwald

For Tuesday:

-Follow the news in preparation for news quiz
-Complete the Writing Basic News Leads assignment started in class.
-Also write a news lead for two upcoming events at WCSU: The upcoming visit and speech by the NCAA President and the upcoming art exhibition titled "It's Only Rock and Roll." Information on both can be found on the WCSU website.
**In addition, you may earn up to 20 points extra credit by attending either event and writing a short news story on it.**

For Thursday:
Reading: Mencher, chapter 6 (Story Structure). We will discuss the reading this week so don't fall behind!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

For Thursday, Jan. 30

"Skepticism is as important for a good journalist as it is for a good scientist." Freeman Dyson

-Watch the State of the Union address. Bring in an article (hard copy!) about the address from a Wednesday newspaper for class discussion.

-Finish reading as assigned last week (see previous post).

Thursday, January 23, 2014


"Journalism is literature in a hurry."  Matthew Arnold

Update:  You do not need to further correct the breaking news leads we worked on in class. Consider that in-class practice. However, if you would like to rework them, I would be happy to review on Tuesday.

Due Tues., Jan. 28:  HOMEWORK:  Complete the handout titled "Exercise 2: Writing Leads" following the format we used today in class, with a byline and a dateline (place only, no date). Use your AP Stylebook where needed. If you struggle with these, read some breaking news leads online or in a paper. The Hartford Courant, which we used in class, is easily accessible online.

Due by Thursday, Jan. 30: READING: Mencher: Chapters 1 (On the Job), 2 (Components of a Story), and 4 (The Internet and Other Tools of the Trade).

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Week One - Jan. 14/16

For Thursday:
Bring in the first 3-4 paragraphs of 5 different breaking news stories. Write a brief explanation (about 3-4 sentences) for each one explaining why it is "newsworthy." The briefs can be all on one page.

For next week:

1) Follow the news to prepare for news quiz

2) Bring your AP Stylebook to class (every week!). We will use it during class.

3) Reading: --Mencher--Chapters 3 (What is News?) and 5 (The Lead) AND The ethics statement from the Society of Professional Journalists. Be prepared to discuss.
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