Thursday, January 23, 2014


"Journalism is literature in a hurry."  Matthew Arnold

Update:  You do not need to further correct the breaking news leads we worked on in class. Consider that in-class practice. However, if you would like to rework them, I would be happy to review on Tuesday.

Due Tues., Jan. 28:  HOMEWORK:  Complete the handout titled "Exercise 2: Writing Leads" following the format we used today in class, with a byline and a dateline (place only, no date). Use your AP Stylebook where needed. If you struggle with these, read some breaking news leads online or in a paper. The Hartford Courant, which we used in class, is easily accessible online.

Due by Thursday, Jan. 30: READING: Mencher: Chapters 1 (On the Job), 2 (Components of a Story), and 4 (The Internet and Other Tools of the Trade).

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