Thursday, February 13, 2014

For Tuesday, Feb. 18 and Thursday, Feb. 20

"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."
--Thomas Jefferson


For Tuesday:

1) Prepare for the Lead Writing test by looking over your graded work and reading my comments. The test will be Tuesday.

2) There will be the usual news quiz

3) Bring in again the hard copies of the 2 news stories that were assigned last week, but we didn't get to during class. To refresh your memory, that assignment was: Bring in a news story (hard copy) with a "delayed" lead relating to the weekend's Olympic events (refer to delayed leads in your text if you still aren't comfortable with what exactly they are), AND bring in a story with an "updated" lead related to the latest development in the Philip Seymour Hoffman case.

For Thursday:
1) AP Stylebook open-book quiz
2) Bring in your copy of the Tulane Hullabaloo that I handed out. We will be using it in class. Bring in a copy of the WCSU Echo as well.
3) Bring in 3 story ideas for the Echo. These should be stories that you personally would like to write or read. Please write about 3 sentences for each one on what exactly you think they story should be about/should include. These will be collected and should be typed using MLA format, heading, etc.

I am postponing the reading homework in your syllabus for a week - so no reading homework this week.

Enjoy the snow day and the long weekend!

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