Thursday, February 27, 2014

For Tuesday, March 4

"Put it before them briefly so they will read it, clearly so they will appreciate it, picturesquely so they will remember it and, above all, accurately so they will be guided by its light."
--Joseph Pulitzer

Read: Chapter 18 in the text--Accidents and Disasters
Then go to and click on "Current Winners and Finalists" on the left column. Then click on the subhead "Breaking News Reporting." We ARE NOT reading the winning story but one of the Finalists, so scroll down to Finalists and then click on "The Denver Post Staff." Read the first story in the list - "State of Alarm" - dated June 26, 2012 - about the Waldo Canyon Fire.

Use that story as the basis for your assignment "Accidents and Disasters. Deconstructing a Story" which was handed out in class.

On Thursday, March 6, there will be a quiz on Obituaries. You will need to know the Obituary Checklist in Chapter 19 of the text (pg 363).
Have a great weekend!

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