Tuesday, April 8, 2014

For Thursday, April 10

“News is only the first rough draft of history.”   Alan Barth, journalist

Thursday: You will meet in small groups to peer edit your news stories. Please bring 3 copies of your story to class. This is a first draft of your story. If there is still some information you are gathering/interviews you have scheduled but have not completed yet, then write that into your story--for example, In this paragraph I hope to provide a quote from the president of the club commenting on enrollment this year.
If you are getting nowhere on your story--it may be necessary to choose a new topic. Email me if this is the case.

The following checklist will give you an idea of the criteria upon which your work both in this draft and in the final story will be evaluated:

Ø        Is your lead an appropriate springboard into the story?

Ø        Have you developed the story logically? Interestingly?

Ø        Have you attributed information in the story to sources? Do you have a/some colorful or interesting quotes?
Ø        Is your information accurate?

Ø        Have you included all appropriate sources and 'covered the bases' for balance and fairness?

Ø        Have you tailored the story to its intended audience?

Ø        Have you corrected spelling, grammar and punctuation errors?  Have you followed AP style properly?

Ø        Have you double-checked the spelling of all proper names?

Ø        Is the story clear and concise?
See you Thursday.

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