Thursday, April 17, 2014

For Tuesday, April 22

"Journalists should be honest, fair and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information." - Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics

--News stories due with the edits/changes from our conference during class on Thursday, April 17.

--Group Presentations. Groups will get 8 - 10 minutes per case study. Please be fully prepared.  Members must be present to earn the group grade. The group presentations are worth 20 points each (per case study). Below are the grading criteria:
-Group clearly and objectively presents the case and any relevant background info (5 pts)
-Group lays out the two (or more) sides of the ethical dilemma from the journalist's/media's standpoint (5 pts)
-Group effectively leads a class discussion of the case--soliciting student opinion on both sides of the issue (5 pts)
-Group then presents the group's view on the case, using specifics from the SPJ Code of Ethics to support their final opinion (5 pts)

Thursday, April 24

--Finish group presentations. Individual papers on case studies due. Discussion on preparation for final.

Have a great weekend!

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